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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Real life cardiac arrest survival stories

During the EMS2018 (Emergency Medical Services) Conference at Copenhagen, there was an exhibit on the cardiac arrest survivors. 

Walking through the exhibits, I felt a wave of emotions.. the stories of the survivors reached into my core. It also made me proud of being part of the Emergency Medicine family and part of this effort to improve the community response to cardiac arrests. Science quotes numbers...but to an individual, it is about saving their loved ones.... which cannot be quantified.

One of the stories that really struck a cord with me was the one below. (Apologies for the poor photo quality; please click to enlarge the text in the photo)

In the Emergency Department, I do sometimes wonder if I am saving a life or just postponing death. But than.. who am I to determine life and death? I only have the skills to help and do my best in bringing back someone's loved one.....

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