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For coffee lovers

I recently started to appreciate the subtle differences in coffee beans as well as appreciate the differences in the methods of brewing. Each country has a special way of brewing and serving their coffee. From drip coffee in Vietnam, to Kopi Lombok (coffee serve unfiltered in hot water and sugar) to milky sweet Indian coffee. I am indeed intrigued by how it varies in each country but yet remains palatable to the curious coffee lovers.

Types of brewing methods

Found this on:
Which I found useful in summarising the various brewing methods.

Aeropress vs French press ------- The verdict

I found that Aeropress produced a richer tasting coffee. The brew was thicker and more heavy bodied.

My personal preference is the Aeropress.

The coffee beans are ground differently depending on the type of coffee brew that is being used. For the Aeropress, it is a finer grind as compared to the French press. If the Aeropress ground coffee is used for French press, it may clog up the filter and make it harder to clean.

Where to get coffee beans?

Next on where to get good coffee beans. Here are some of the places:

Type of coffee beans

Arabica is the more common coffee species- about 75% of the world's population. Other types include Cafe Barack or Liberica. Blue Mountain, Caturra, Geisha are all types of coffee beans.

Yes.. there is a type of coffee bean called the Geisha!!! I was surprised when I first found out. It originates in the Panama region and is highly sought after. The beans can be obtained from the Geisha coffee shop located at Burlington Square. It produces an amazingly well balanced cup of coffee.

Peaberry Coffee bean... the 'only child'

Image result for peaberry coffee
Coffee bean develops in the fruit... which is like a cherry. Usually there is are 2 beans inside the fruit. Hence these seeds have a flattened side (where the seeds are in contact with each other) and a curved side.  However, in 5% of the fruits, only 1 bean develops and hence the seed is less flat and rounder. It is supposed to be denser and smaller and the taste is supposed to be sweeter and more flavourful. This is called the Peaberry Coffee bean and is sold separately as the work involved in harvesting it is much more.

Image result for what is in a coffee fruit

Coffee recommendations

Here are some of my favourites (will be updated along the way)

Special Christmas addition. If brewed for longer than 10mins, one can taste the subtle earl grey flavour. Amazing!!!

In Chye Seng Huat coffee bar, the prototype coffee that is used when one orders a latte is Nut and Bolts. One of my old time favourites. Rather smooth, with a mild chocolate tinge to it.

How to grind the beans?

The beans can be ground either manually or automatically. The finest of the grind depends on the type of brewing method.

1 comment:

  1. Geisha coffee is one of the most exclusive and expensive coffee in the world. Their taste was unique and incredibly distinct from other coffee.

    Geisha Coffee
