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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

8 auspicious symbols in Tibetan Buddhism

From left to right

Endless knot
It signifies that everything is interdependent. There is no beginning or end- everything is continuous.

Lotus flower
The lotus flower grows though mud and dirty water, to emerge in the sun. Similarly, our soul and mind moves through the mud of materialism, the water of experience and into the sunshine of enlightenment. It represents the true nature of human beings.

Parasol (Chattra)
The umbrella depicts spiritual power and royalty and depicts protection from suffering.

Vase (Kalasa)
The treasure vase is filled with sacred and precious things and is abundant. Similarly the teachings of Buddha is precious and inexhaustible.

Dharma wheel
It represents the teachings of Buddha and the Eight-Fold path represented by the 8 spokes.

Golden fishes (Matsya)
It represents happiness and fertility.

Victory flag
It represents the victory of wisdom over ignorance and Buddha's victory over the demon Mara.

Conch shell
It represents the sound of Dharma reaching far away, awakening beings from ignorance.

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