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Sunday, November 25, 2012 - Singapore is world's least emotional country, poll finds - Singapore is world's least emotional country, poll finds

Not giving an emotional answer doesn't mean we are not emotional. Everyone has a feeling... its whether we choose to show it. But I have noticed that amongst the people I have met from different parts of the world, Singaporeans do show the least emotion. Unless it involves queueing up for a Hello Kitty doll or getting into the best school!

Perhaps as Singaporeans, we have been trained to follow the rules, to not question and to obey. I remember my Cedar Girls Secondary School principal telling us that we need to 'Think and not feel'. Such is how we have been brought up. But that doesn't mean we don't feel. We just express it in different forms. In the eyes of other cultures, we may be seen to be emotionless. But when they have dwelled deeply into the spirit of the Singaporeans, they will realise that we are in fact the otherwise.

We do show emotions when it comes to the important things. For example, Singaporeans expressing rage at the PRC who was violent with the taxi driver, took his car and drove into the budget terminal, killing the cleaner. So we do show emotions... just not the conventional way or on a day to day basis.

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