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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How we feel as Singaporeans...

Singapore Ranks as Least Emotional Country in the World

The Gallup world survey got me thinking. I then stumbled upon Indranee Rajah's reply which was apt. Upon returning to Singapore, I realised that we Singaporeans are a unique bunch- when asked 'How are you', we think that the person asking has something up their sleeves. We get caught offguard by questions such as 'How was your day?' or 'How do you feel about something?' I clearly remember my patients being surprised when I ask them 'How are you?'. I have come to realise its a cultural thing.We believe in doing first, then feel later. However, we Singaporeans do feel very strongly about things that matter..... as nicely put by her reply. Not expressing our feelings directly, does not mean we are an emotionless society!!!

Link to Indranee Rajah's reply on facebook:

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